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2024 International Conference on Life Sciences

19th SCBA/14th CBIS International Symposium, Guiyang, China, 2024

The boards of the Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA, https://www.scbasociety.org) and the Chinese Biological Investigators Society (CBIS, https://www.cbisociety.org) have decided that the 2024 International Conference on Life Sciences, a joint CBIS-SCBA Symposium (The 19th SCBA/14th CBIS Biennial Symposium), will be held in Guiyang, China, July 25-July 30, 2024. This will be an in-person meeting. 

Meeting details and registration information will be provided soon on the CBIS website: www.cbisociety.org and SCBA website https://www.scbasociety.org. More information about the meeting will be announced and sent via both CBIS and SCBA group emails. Please spread the information as you like.

  • For meeting program: Please contact Gensheng Feng (gfeng@health.ucsd.edu) and Dong Wang (dongwang@ucsd.edu). We encourage our members to suggest and submit topics of interest for workshops, please contact Feng or Wang via email by Feb 29, 2024

    “Responsibility for All session chairs - When you submit your session proposal, please invite all proposed speakers and confirm with all invited speakers that they’ll attend and speak at the meeting, take care of with registration fees, lodging and travel costs covered by themselves.”

    For meeting sponsorship: Please contact Bo Gao (bogao@cuhk.edu.hk), and Cynthia Ju (Changqing.Ju@uth.tmc.edu).

    For general and specific questions about the meeting: Please contact Lishan Su (sulish@gmail.com), Shan-Lu Liu (liushan1115@gmail.com), Xiaoming Zhang (mxzhang@bcm.edu), Bo Gao (bogao@cuhk.edu.hk), or Yingzi Yang (yingzi_yang@hsdm.harvard.edu).

    We look forward to seeing you all in Guiyang in July 2024!

    The Joint Committee of the 19th SCBA/14th CBIS International Symposium

Click here to obtain: Invitation letter for attendees

Meeting program: click here to download the complete meeting program  

Hotel reservation: click here to download the Guide (these three hotels are fully booked, a new hotel is now open for booking).

Click here to download the Guide for sightseeing tour after the meeting

General Guidance: click here to download English version or Chinese Version

Conference Services Guide: click here to download Conference Services Guide (the shuttle bus information included) 

Click here to obtain: Abstract Template (Abstract file name format: Presenter First Name-Last Name, e.g. George Smith.doc)

Satellite meeting by Toronto Chapter (July 25, 2024): Meeting Program

Poster size and format: 30-in (Width) by 51-in (Height): Guidance

Only non-session speakers submit the abstract to: scba2u@gmail.com

(For pre-arranged speakers, please email your abstract to your session chair to avoid duplicate submissions)

Click here to become SCBA member: Join SCBA

  • Click Here to Register

    • Brief Meeting Information

      Confirmed Keynote Speaker:
      Tak Mak                      University of Toronto

      Confirmed Plenary Speakers:

      ​Saijuan Chen             Shanghai Jiao Tong University
      Xinnian Dong             Duke University
      Chuan He                   University of Chicago
      Mien-Chie Hung        China Medical University, Taiwan   
      Yishi Jin                     UCSD
      Haifan Lin                  Yale University
      Xin Lu                         Ludwig Institute, Oxford, UK
      Duojia Pan                 UT Southwestern
      Bing Ren                    UCSD
      Feng Shao                 NIBS
      Baoliang Song          Wuhan University
      Xiaoliang Xie             Peking University
      Nieng Yan                  SMART
      Junying Yuan            CAS
      Brief Meeting Schedule:
      July 25 (Thursday)               Arrival, Daytime registration, evening reception
      July 26 Day 1 (Friday)          Opening remarks, AM Joint plenary sessions, AM and PM breakout parallel sessions,
                                                     PM Career Development session and poster 
      July 27 Day 2 (Saturday)     AM Joint plenary sessions, CBIS and SCBA Joint awards session, PM breakout parallel sessions,
                                                     PM meeting editors and poster
      July 28 Day 3 (Sunday)        AM Joint plenary sessions including Keynote, Two separate plenary sessions hosted by CBIS and
      ​                                               SCBA, PM breakout parallel sessions, Women in Science session
      July 29 Day 4 (Monday)       AM Joint plenary sessions, AM and PM breakout parallel sessions, PM Career Development session, 
                                                     Closing banquet
      July 30 (Tuesday)                 Full day excursion options

    Tentative Breakout Session Topics/Themes:
    • Neuroscience
    • Cancer Biology
    • RNA Biology
    • Plant Biology
    • Stem Cell 
    • Structure Biology
    • Metabolism and Cancer Immunology
    • Epigenetics, Chromatin, and Transcription
    • Developmental Biology
    • DNA Replication, Repair, Genome Instability
    • Cancer Therapy
    • Computational Biology
    • Cutting-Edge Technology
    • Autophagy
    • Emerging Infectious Diseases
    • Hematology
    • Immunology
    • Virology
    • Microbiology/Microbiota 

Click Here to Register

Past Meetings

18th SCBA International Symposium, July 27-31, 2022, Boston


17th SCBA International Symposium, June 29-July 3, 2019, Kunming


16th SCBA International Symposium, June 29-July 3, 2017, Hangzhou


15th SCBA International SymposiumJune 26-29, 2015, Taipei


14th SCBA International Symposium, July 19-22, 2013, Xi’an, China


SCBA is a registered 501(c) organization with the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS). It is a tax-exempt, nonprofit association, registered in the United States. Donations and sponsorships to SCBA are tax-deductible.

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