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The Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA) is the largest and a rapidly growing professional organization for scientists, mostly of Chinese descent, in many biomedical disciplines with members not only in North America, but also in Asia and Europe.

Many of our members are leaders in their research fields and are making high impacts and major contributions through innovative research and passionate educational endeavors. SCBA is a driving force in strengthening scientific and educational interactions among SCBA members and other colleagues at all levels by organizing high-profile international conferences and promoting the visibility of our society, in addition to traditional society activities and functions.

The primary mission of SCBA is serving our members’ professional interests. For example, SCBA members in the United States, like many other bioscientists, have encountered challenges in obtaining federal and private funding. We shall work together to tackle the challenges by strengthening our existing professional network and taking new initiatives to facilitate career development and scientific collaboration among our members. For more established members, we will share experiences and strategies to break the "glass ceiling," promote fair recognition of the scientific achievements of our members, and facilitate appreciation of Asian bioscientists by the entire scientific community. We will endorse awards and memberships in prestigious societies/committees or editorial boards. For younger members, we will utilize e-communications and the platform of our biannual symposium to provide advice from more established members on how to advance in training/education and develop a rewarding career. We will also share insights on successful job-searching and transitioning to independent investigators. In recent years, biological sciences are flourishing in China and Asia with significant infusions of government funding for research and successful recruitment of prominent scientists. Therefore, SCBA will also function as a strong bridge to connect our members in America with bioscientists in China and Asia to promote basic and applied biosciences, both in academia and in the pharmaceutical/biotechnology industries. We are also expanding our membership, not only in North America, but also globally.

For SCBA to accomplish its mission of promoting the success of our members, we need to strengthen the interactions between SCBA headquarters and local chapters, and also to build closer ties with other professional societies that have a similar mission to promote the benefits of scientists of Chinese origin. We will further boost the SCBA official journal, Cell & Bioscience, to reinforce its status as a globally known, high-quality, open access publication and provide a platform for speedy publication of novel research findings. Most importantly, we want to hear from our members for suggestions and ideas to empower SCBA in fulfilling its mission.

The 21st century is witnessing a transformative and exciting revolution in biological science. SCBA has unprecedented opportunities to exert profound and global influence in bioscience. Let’s work together to fulfill our mission. Our tireless efforts should bring benefits to the entire scientific community, and, ultimately, to mankind.

SCBA is a registered 501(c) organization with the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS). It is a tax-exempt, nonprofit association, registered in the United States. Donations and sponsorships to SCBA are tax-deductible.

Copyright 2024 SCBA. All Rights Reserved.
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